Rencontre avec Molly Reynolds, réalisatrice du documentaire MY NAME IS GULPILIL, film en compétition cette année au Festival International du Film documentaire Océanien.
Une interview menée par Are Raimbault.
2021 – Australie, 102 min
Version anglaise sous-titrée en français
RÉALISATION – Molly Reynolds
PRODUCTION – Rolf de Heer, David Gulpilil, Peter Djigirr, Molly Reynolds
Be carried away by this original and moving film. Take a journey through the life and films of a legendary Australian actor, an Aboriginal man who, knowing his death was imminent, offers us, with director Molly Reynolds, an artist’s testament to the history of Australian cinema. With his vision of Aboriginal identity and culture and unfor- gettable images of traditional dance or stage work… The portrait and last great work of a virtuoso.
𝟎𝟓 -𝟏𝟑 FEB 2022, ONLINE & ON-SITE
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