Rencontre avec Tosca Lobby, réalisatrice du documentaire STRONG FEMALE LEAD, film en compétition cette année au Festival International du Film documentaire Océanien.
Une interview menée par Selelina Pakaina.
2021 – Australie, 78 min
Version anglaise sous-titrée en français
RÉALISATION – Tosca Lobby, Rachel Grierson-Johns
PRODUCTION – Northern Pictures
Australia. One in three women in Australia say they experience dis- crimination or harassment at work. In 2010, Julia Gillard became the country’s first female prime minister. And the only one. The film questions how Australians react when a powerful woman leads them. Archive footage shows the outrageous violence of the attacks on her in office, including in Parliament. And the repetition of these attacks by the media and the public. An astonishing display of
sexism in a democracy…
𝟎𝟓 -𝟏𝟑 FEB 2022, ONLINE & ON-SITE
Billets / tickets