« With a view to fostering and promoting reciprocal knowledge and understanding of the different Pacific Island countries and their inhabitants through the exchange and distribution of cinematographic works, as well as the recognition and distribution of these works throughout the world, it is formed an association, in accordance with the law of July 1, 1901 […]”.
It is in these terms that the explanatory memorandum opens for the statutes of the FIFO association, organizer of the International Oceanian Documentary Film Festival. Created in 2004, FIFO aims to promote Oceania and make it visible through documentary films. In the context of rampant globalization, its ambition is to bring the voice of the peoples and cultures of Oceania beyond its shores and to make it heard in Oceania of course, but also on the media scene. Finally, it aims to promote Oceanian cinema and filmmakers on screens around the world.
More than an event cultural sector, FIFO is also a pillar in the development of the audiovisual industry in Oceania. An essential professional meeting in the South Pacific, it brings together directors and producers, technicians and TV channels, representatives of foreign festivals and distributors around a common cause: Oceanian cinema. The festival is thus a unique place of opportunities thanks to the dialogues it triggers, allowing creativity to germinate in the light of the audacity of the women and men who carry projects as high as their hopes for the future.
Over the years, FIFO has become an expected annual event with Oceania and with cinema in Oceania. Unmissable in French Polynesia, the Pacific and far beyond, the International Oceanian Documentary Film Festival brings together more than one might say. Much further and much more than we think, to tell the truth, as evidenced by the 18th edition. An edition fully digital, accessible throughout the Pacific and in France. FIFO 2021 brought together participants from countries that had never before taken part. Through the magic of the Internet, the FIFO dugout has become digital, for the duration of a festival. It thus continued on its way by weaving the link between our islands and between our peoples.
Thanks to its adjustement, the festival is back to its good habits. And if the magic of the Internet has indeed allowed our va’a to stay on course in very specific conditions, it does not replace the human connection. It cannot replace the conviviality and authenticity of a one-of-a-kind festival. The evolution of the situation allows us to welcome our public and our guests « at home » again and to offer them 10 films in competition, 13 films out of competition, 20 documentary and short fiction films and free special screenings, meetings, workshops and even more surprises prepared by our team for this new FIFO.
FIFO’s digital offer developed over the last years has not been neglected. It is even reinforced. FIFO viewers will therefore also be able to enjoy the films in the selection on our video-on-demand platform. We also invite you to continue your journey in Oceania aboard our canoe 2.0 with our e-guests by videoconference, live or in replay. Meetings with directors and producers from New Zealand, New Caledonia, Australia, Hawaii…
FIFO’s Oceanian odyssey began in 2004 for a journey rich in encounters and sharing around the audiovisual industry. Over the years, Tahiti has become the Pacific capital of documentary film, where Oceanians meet and reveal themselves to the world. If the FIFO canoe makes regular stops in different waters to share the riches of the 7th art that it carries, it has, however, never stopped its journey.
And her crew is particularly happy to welcome you back on board.
‘A FIFO ana’e tātou !
An Oceanian adventure…
FIFO has become an unmissable event in Polynesia. His Oceanian odyssey began in 2004 for a journey rich in encounters and sharing around audiovisual. Over the years, Tahiti has become the Pacific capital of documentary film, where Oceanians meet and reveal themselves to the world. If the FIFO canoe makes regular stopovers in different waters to share the riches of the 7th art that it transports, it has, on the other hand, never stopped its journey.
For 18 years, our festival has taken its spectators aboard its canoe for a unique journey in the great Pacific. Made of encounters, joys and dialogues, this journey is also punctuated by revolts, screams and pain. Through the selected documentaries, FIFO speaks for an Oceania rich in diversity and authenticity.
More than a cultural event, FIFO is also a pillar in the development of the audiovisual industry in Oceania. An essential professional meeting in the South Pacific, it allows directors and producers, technicians and TV channels, representatives of foreign festivals and distributors to dialogue around a common cause: Oceanian cinema. The festival multiplies opportunities thanks to the encounters it provokes and which allow creativity to be born and projects to come to life.
A multi-faceted event, FIFO is once again proving its unavoidable nature and is exp(l)osing this very special year, in 100% digital format and offering an exceptional programme: 10 films in competition, 13 films out of competition, a selection special fiction short film, another dedicated to documentary short films, meetings, workshops and many more surprises by the hundreds to discover on the web. Public and professionals, regulars and newcomers, take part in the unforgettable adventure of FIFO 2024 in more ways than one.
This festival has different objectives :
The members of the preselection committees have the delicate task of choosing the films that will be screened during the festival from among all those registered to be considered for FIFO. A rich and authentic selection which offers FIFO spectators an immersion in the cultural richness of Oceania. The members of the selection committees have very different but complementary profiles and all have one thing in common: they live and know Oceania from the inside, through their jobs or their activities. For several months, the members of these committees worked to view the films sent by directors from Oceania. They are undertaking a titanic task of capital importance. It is on them that the quality and sincerity of the festival depends.
The documentaries will deal with Oceania in all its aspects: cultural, social, economic, ethnological, historical, environmental, political, artistic... All video production media can compete. The directors can make compete several realizations. Only one work by the same director may be selected in the “in competition” category.
Films lasting less than 15 minutes or more than 95 minutes may be submitted for the official selection, but will not be retained in the "in competition" category. They will eventually be selected in the “out of competition” category.
Category in competition: the films compete for the FIFO France Télévisions grand prize, the special jury prizes and the public prize.
Out of competition category: the films compete for the audience award
Oceanian fiction and Window-on-courts category: the films compete for the audience award for the best short fiction film
All the films selected in competition will be viewed by a jury made up of audiovisual professionals or personalities from the religious and social world in Oceania. The directors of the winning films will receive a financial endowment which will reward their work.
- FIFO France Televisions Grand Prize > 500,000 XPF
- 2 Special jury prizes > 200,000 XPF each
- The public price > 300,000 XPF
- A prize for the best short film > 100,000 XPF
- A prize for the best short fiction film > 100,000 XPF
- The Oceanian Impact Pitch for Indigenation 2024 > 200,000 XPF
The members of the pre-selection committees have the delicate task of choosing the films that will be screened at the festival from among all those registered to be considered for FIFO. A rich and authentic selection that offers FIFO spectators an immersion in the cultural richness of Oceania. The members of the selection committees have very different but complementary profiles and all have one thing in common: they live and know Oceania from the inside, through their jobs or activities. For several months, the members of these committees apply themselves to viewing the films sent by the directors of Oceania. They are engaged in a titanic task of paramount importance. The quality and sincerity of the festival depends on them.